Natural solutions for our rivers?
'ResiRiver' is a new Interreg North West Europe project focusing on the creation of resilient river systems through the mainstreaming and upscaling of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). NIWE member Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), assembled a partnership that covers river systems in Belgium, France,
Green WIN final reports going online…
The Green WIN project officially finished on 30 June 2023 though we are continuing to work on some of our trial sites to conclude installations of pumps and different types of control systems that operate them. We have also worked
An on-screen sendoff presenting real-world results
At I2I’s final conference earlier this year, partners showed how their work over the last three and a half years has led to lasting change in their neighborhoods and communities across the North Sea Region. The pandemic supercharged the social
WCC 2023 – first webinar this Thursday
The first of Inland Waterways International (IWI) series of online presentations on waterway topics takes place in just two days, on June 15 at 15:00 Dublin time, 16:00 CET, 10:00 in the eastern USA and Canada, 22:00 in Southeast Asia.
Further control panel & pump testing in Liège
On 17 May 2023 technicians from the University of Liège and Canal and River Trust (CRT), met in Liège to commission the purpose built control panel (constructed by Bridges and CRT) so it operates the Hidrostal pump (purchased through Green
Green WIN final event heralds a smart future
After a white knuckle minibus ride through Dublin, Green WIN partners settled down for the project’s final meeting and site visits, in Ireland from 9-11 May 2023. John McDonagh, CEO Waterways Ireland (WI) welcomed the group and introduced his organisations
I2I Final Conference
Loneliness and social isolation are not just harmful to mental and physical health. They can also have significant consequences for social cohesion and community trust. Starting in 2020, From Isolation to Inclusion (I2I) has been working to help the public
Waterways of London (and streets…)
On Monday 17 April 2023 over twenty IWI members, family and friends gathered at Canary Wharf pier before taking the Thames Clipper service to Westminster, enjoying the superb views of the regenerated old wharves, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London,
I2I partners visit Assen and Bremen
How do you help a neighbourhood that has lost faith in the municipality? And how does climate change affect social isolation? These were among the topics on the agenda when partners in From Isolation to Inclusion (I2I) gathered in the
Nature connectedness and waterways. Join in and learn more…
NIWE members, colleagues and guests are cordially invited to join the University of Derby and Canal & River Trust for an online Nature Connectedness workshop on the 14th of March 2023 9:30 – 11:00. This two-hour workshop is designed to
Projects ahoy! Interreg Europe 2nd call…
Interreg Europe will launch their second call for project proposals next month. The call will open on 15 March and close at noon on 9 June 2023. Apply for the call | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policy
Interreg North West Europe call for small-scale projects
Interreg North-West Europe opened a specific call for small-scale projects which runs from February 2023 to July 2023. Call 3 for small-scale projects | Interreg NWE ( The main objective of the small-scale project call is to allow project applications