Who are we?

The Network of Inland Waterways Europe, or NIWE for short, is a well-established engine for inter-waterway collaboration, generating funding, building partnerships and providing professional advice on shaping successful EU funded projects. Our strong unified voice raises Europe’s inland waterways higher on national and European policy agendas.

Our waterways carry huge potential for growth and jobs linked to sustainable transport. They are also part of the backbone of the European economy, generating economic activity and community well being across all the communities, towns and regions linked by water.

More than 500 cities and regions in Europe border inland waterways and lakes. Each has great potential to add value and generate social and economic benefit. In developing policy, project collaboration and partnership, NIWE is raising EU policy recognition of the economic, social and community potential of our waterways and sharing lessons and innovation between the Network’s members and partners. We do this in a number of ways.

2020/21 Partners

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