Telemark County Council (Telemark fylkeskommune) is the level of public government between the national government and the municipalities. It is the second largest employer in the county, with approximately 1600 employees.

While the term county (fylke) denotes the geographical area, the county council (fylkeskommune) is the democratically elected body, with responsibilities for public welfare in the county.

Norway’s public sector is comprised of three levels: the national government, the municipalities, and between them, the county councils.

The main task

The county council’s main task is to act as a regional developer. This means it is our responsibility to help expand the labour market by stimulating creativity and innovation. We also work to provide businesses with the best possible general conditions by, for example, developing the transportation sector or making sure our young people leave the school system with the best possible level of skills.

Have a look at the projects we have been involved in: