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Tinsley Pumping Station

Level of Intervention: Context: ​Aim of the Experience: ​Description of the experience: At the start of May 2020, Canal & River Trust MEICA framework contractor Amco has installed new Hidrostal Submersible pumps at Tinsley Pumping Station near Sheffield. This is the first Green WIN funded pump to get to site in the United Kingdom. The

2022-01-07T10:02:54+00:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: GreenWIN Case Study|Tags: |0 Comments

Smart Pumping ‘Software’

Level of Intervention: Plant level / pumping station AND System level (canal/water system) ​Context: Canal and River Trust owns and maintains 76 pumping stations throughout the canal network which either abstract water or transfer water (including back pumping) around the network. These pumping stations currently contain 122 individual pump sets. 25 of these pumps (33%)

2022-01-06T15:28:06+00:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: GreenWIN Case Study|Tags: |0 Comments

Smart Pumping ‘Hardware’

Level of Intervention:Pump level AND Plant level / pumping stationContext:Canal and River Trust owns and maintains 76 pumping stations throughout the canal network which either abstract water or transfer water (including back pumping) around the network. These pumping stations currently contain 122 individual pump sets.25 of these pumps (33%) are used for water abstraction from

2022-01-05T17:13:03+00:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: GreenWIN Case Study|Tags: |0 Comments

Crissey Lock Pumping Station

Level of Intervention: Pump System ​Context: Voies Navigables de France operates the French inland waterways network. It is responsible for modernizing the network and the civil works. Regarding climate change adaptation needs of the hydraulic network, VNF is engaged in an ambition modernization program including the modernisation of hydraulic equipment. The modernisation of Lock34bis

2022-01-05T16:01:05+00:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: GreenWIN Case Study|Tags: |0 Comments

Model Predictive Control System

Level of Intervention: Canal / Water System Context: The Dutch regional water boards (Waterschappen) are responsible for maintaining safe and secure water levels within their service region. In rainy periods, most water boards need to pump huge volumes of water from low lying areas in order to safeguard people, houses, roads and other economic

2022-01-05T15:26:56+00:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: GreenWIN Case Study|Tags: |0 Comments
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