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10 years of being at the heart of people’s daily lives!

British Waterways became the Canal & River Trust on 12 July 2012. Its formation saw the largest ever transfer of public assets into the charitable sector and was the start of the next exciting phase in the 250-year story of the canal network. The Trust is responsible for protecting, preserving and promoting 2,000 miles of

2023-01-09T10:02:40+00:00January 9th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Innovation, News|0 Comments

Back together again!

NIWE members gathered at the Cruising Association HQ in Limehouse, London in late September 2022 for our first face to face meeting with (almost) everyone since November 2019! Members gave an update on their recent activities; Steve told the group about Canal & River Trust’s various responsibilities, activities and operational issues around infrastructure, water resources

2023-01-09T09:57:07+00:00January 9th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Events, Innovation|0 Comments

New pump installed at Richmond Harbour

Waterways Ireland have produced an excellent video promoting their work in Green WIN at Richmond Harbour which is one of the sites selected by Waterways Ireland as part of the Green WIN project. Located on the Royal Canal in the Republic of Ireland, the pump at Richmond Harbour extracts water from the Camlin river to

Green WIN pump testing is GO!…

A landmark moment was reached on Tuesday 14th June 2022 as Green WIN partners were finally able to meet up in person to witness pumps being tested in the custom-built test facility at the University de Liège. Joris Hardy from Liège designed the entire system and worked with colleagues from the University throughout the long

Green WIN & NIWE on show at the World Canals Conference…

The World Canals Conference took place in Leipzig, Germany from 31 May to 3 June 2022 after an unwelcome break due to covid Speakers from 20 nations across 4 continents explained how waterways, tourism, regional development, flood and environmental protection and urban renewal can be efficiently promoted. Reflecting the ‘local’ picture, the main topic was TRANSFORMATION

Online support for Flanders boaters

De Vlaamse Waterweg recently produced a video promoting their VisuRIS website which provides a wide range of River Information Services (RIS) to their boaters. VisuRIS is an application providing a wealth of information about freight shipping on Flemish inland waterways. It sets out the characteristics of the waterways, bridges, locks, water levels, messages for

2022-05-25T07:50:36+00:00May 25th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Innovation|0 Comments
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