
Chair – no organization Nico van Lamsweerde
DK The inland waterway of Randers Fjord/Gudenaa River Anne-Mette Knattrup
NO Telemark County Council Pål Kleffelgård
SE Värmland County Administrative Board Katarina Nordmark
SE Värmland County Administrative Board Anna Grude
UK Canal & River Trust Chris Barnett
UK Scottish Canals Russell Thomson
UK MBACT Richard Dommett
UK MBACT Roger Francis
NL Vereniging Regio Water Manita Koop
NL Province of South-Holland Marianne de Nooij
NL Municipality of Zoetermeer Jan Kragt
NL Stichting Recreatietoervaart Nederland Manon van Meer
NL Stichting Recreatietoervaart Nederland Bianca Diebels


Welcome and Opening

Nico welcomes everybody in the House of the Union of Waterboards. Thanks to our host today Vereniging Regio Water. A special welcome to Marianne de Nooij who will give an update on Interreg programmes.

Unfortunately East Flanders and Waterways Ireland have decided not to become a member this year due to organizational issues.

2. Partner introduction

All persons present introduced themselves.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

4. NIWE 2014


There are Full Members and Sustaining Members (such as universities). These are two different kind of memberships. Therefore SRN will make two lists.

Every member will give the secretariat one name of a contact person to avoid confusion.


With 25 potential Full Members in 2014 we could have € 12.500,-, minus the costs of the

secretariat of € 6.000,-, leaves us € 6.500,- to spend. Terms of Reference (ToR)

Prioritizing the goals was quite a challenge as only the first two goals were estimated as the most important by all members. On the other goals members thought differently.

4c.: should be removed (‘slip of the pen’): Organizations can ask someone else to participate in the meeting but they are always responsible for the deeds of their consultants. Consultants can never have voting rights.

The ToR will help us further how to operate with each other, although we have no legal status at this moment. SRN will make a final version of the ToR and send it to each member.

Chair in 2015

The members propose Chris to be the new chair. But as he has quite some activities to deal with next year, he would like to postpone his appointment to 2016. He suggests that Nico continues another year, being an experienced chair who was involved in Waterways Forward. A well- known chair is good for the network (credibility). SRN will have to discuss it internally.

5. Promotion

Promotion is important to boost the numbers of participants. It is decided to start a newsletter for both existing and potential members. The newsletter can also be send to municipalities or provinces. SRN will prepare texts which will be reviewed by Chris.


Update by Katarina and Anna. Anna will add the maps of the Interreg programmes and the European flag.

Each member can add general information about the organization and specific projects on the website, as shown by Anna and Katarina. Members can decide whether they put this information on the website by using their own log on or send the information to Anna, who will take care of it.

The intellectual ownership of the maps used on the website belong to David Edwards-May. Although it is possible to use Google Maps the credibility and details of his maps (Euromapping) are of a higher level. Manon will verify what includes the € 500,- (the sum David has requested for using the maps). Is it only the use of the maps, does it include all updates for a specific period, are the maps of all European countries? She will ask for a written consent.

If NIWE wants to apply for subsidies it is important to be known in Brussels. Manita will make a draft paper we can use for lobby activities.


Bianca will inform Katarina which members have signed the MoU. Only members who have signed will be named in the update of the flyer or on the website.

6. Update EU funding programmes


Marianne has 5 tips for us because competition is strong in our field:

  1. Do something new (innovative)
  2. Show that you have made progress and want to make further
  3. Show you are an experienced European partner (refer to Waterways Forward e.)
  4. Ask someone outside the NIWE network to judge the application
  5. Make it clear why you need each other

Marianne will ask a colleague for details about the different Interreg programmes. Bianca will put this item on the agenda for next meeting and send it to the members for comments and ideas.

Chris adds that Katarina and he attended a meeting in Aberdeen on Interreg. The targets must be tangible. Thinking growth is about knowledge transfer, stimulating economies, innovation/ innovative use (which is not the same as technological innovation, new ways of delivering services and products. And how can others benefit from it?!

Eco innovation is also an important issue. It is about empowering boats with eco fuels, stimulating green economies, carbon reduction (solar powered boats i.e.).

Freight traffic by smaller waterways is a new topic. It will lead to less lorries on the road and will have a relation with the TEN-T programme.

It is necessary to measure the outcome. What are the results of your product? What problem do we want solved? How do we get there?

During the next meeting we can discuss potential ideas on projects. Projects limited to waterways only is old thinking. We now need a wider scope, but it always has to be linked to waterways.


DG Move started to identify 9 network corridors such as the Atlantic corridor or the Rhine- Danube corridor. Waterways have just a very modest role comparing to the one of trains. Nico will share his information on the corridors with us which may give new possibilities.

It is wise to make a time table in order not to be late for applying. In Brussels there will be Open Days. Nico will verify when these days take place. We could try to get advice to make a better application.

7. Closing remarks

The next meeting will take place in London on January 20th 2015 to brainstorm on ideas. A reserve date will be November 18th. CRT will kindly host the meeting.

Nico thanks everybody for his/her contribution to this meeting.

8. Actions:

  • SRN will make two lists: one of Full Members, one of Sustaining Members
  • Manon will make a final version of the ToR and send it to each
  • SRN will have to discuss it internally whether Nico can remain the chair in
  • SRN will prepare texts for the newsletter, which will be reviewed by
  • Anna will add the maps of the Interreg programmes and the European flag on the
  • Manon will verify what includes the € 500,- for using the maps and get a written consent
  • Manita will make a draft paper for lobby activities
  • Bianca will inform Katarina which members have signed the MoU

– Marianne will ask a colleague for details about the different Interreg programmes and send it to SRN.

  • Bianca will send information received of Marianne to the members for comments and ideas and put it on the agenda for next
  • Nico will send his information on the corridors to the members
  • Nico will verify when the Open Days in Brussels take place